About Dr Superfoods

Naturally Goji Pty Ltd began at the end of 2005 when founder, David Bruckner, stumbled across the goji berry online. Being a firm believer of ‘let your medicine be your food, and your food be your medicine’, he was researching the world’s healthiest foods and found that goji berries were topping many lists for being the highest in antioxidants, vitamin C, etc. Curiosity stirred within and David was on a mission to buy goji berries to incorporate into his daily diet. He asked many local health foods shops and naturopaths if they sold goji berries and time and after time no-one had even heard of this little red berry, let alone sold it.
Naturally, he saw an opportunity and decided to import his own shipment of goji berries and be the first to introduce them to mainstream Australia. The demand for the goji berry was increasing and larger and larger shipments were being imported each month. After several months, Naturally Goji started to diversify and import other dried superfoods. Hence, the new trading name, Dr Superfoods, was born to encompass the growing range of diverse superfoods.
Fast forward several years and Dr Superfoods have grown to a more sizeable team of employees. We aim to keep introducing new and exciting superfoods to the Australian market, which are all 100% natural, preservative-free and/or organic at very competitive prices.
Dr Superfoods is a proud supporter of Destiny Rescue, a Christian non-profit organisation dedicated to rescuing children trapped in the sex trade. We donate 5% of all profits to support this important work. By purchasing our products you will be supporting Destiny Rescue and we also encourage you to donate directly to the organisation.